Become a Resolution Superhero

As the calendar flipped to January, you probably stare at that list of resolutions with the same determination you reserve for tackling a buffet—enthusiastic, but slightly overwhelmed. This year, however, we won’t aspire to be a superhero overnight, but to channel your inner realist identity and embrace the art...

Mindful Monday

Take your time on this, and let it sink in. You are so worthy. Just as you are.    (from Desiderata) ...

Kanso: The Japanese Principle for Mental Detox

Sometimes your heart is heavy with the weight of responsibilities piled onto your plate. Sometimes your mind is overwhelmed by the class-5 rapids of daily to-dos in your day. Sometime even the lightness of your heart can darken from the clouds of 24/7 news, delivering traumas and dramas every...

A Lovely Lentil Soup

Give this soup a try; we have a heavy hunch that if you do, it’ll become a go to recipe for you. Ingredients 1 cup lentils 8 cups water 1 large potato, diced ½ bunch Swiss chard, kale, or endive coarsely chopped 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped Salt and...

Star Trek, January, and Your Immune System

Ah, January, the month of optimistic resolutions, bad memories about juuuust how well all that went for you last year, and a questionable obsession with kale smoothies. You may or may not join a gym (again) this time around, but what you’re more likely face are winter colds and...

Panic Attacks

Just to level-set this conversation, panic attacks are NOT just someone having a really crappy day, or being “emotional”. The attacks are intense episodes of overwhelming fear and distress that happen to you, and can manifest both mentally and physically. There. That done, now just take a minute to...

Infographic: Heart Health In Winter

You know it’s freeeezing — just look out the window! But what you may not know are the things about the cold weather that might impact your heart health. Check out this infographic, and be safe out there!...

Parmesan Polenta

Featured here is a common dish in many parts of the Mediterranean. Give it a try and get creative with it too! You’ll Need 9 ½ cups chicken broth 2 cups yellow cornmeal 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 Tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon onion powder Directions Bring chicken broth...


Over-extend yourself  in love or work or hobby or [fill in the blank]  and the imbalance tilts you off your center stealing your calm as you teeter to regain your balance. ...

January is 2 Things

January’s not just a month, it’s a launching pad for our annual quixotic resolutions to get our physical selves back on track after the month-long party palooza of December. Drop weight, get fit, and well just be a better person, would ya? But January is also mental health awareness...


Chronic loneliness is not just a psychological burden. It also eats away at a person’s physical health, like an emotional cancer that leads to physical harm. What Does Loneliness Do? Prolonged social isolation and loneliness can create increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, weakened immune systems, and even cognitive decline....