New Anti-Stroke Drug: The Orange

I want the patent on this really cool new anti-stroke medication called … “the orange“. 

It’s a brand new drug that has many features you don’t see in other drugs. 

1. It comes pre-sliced. 
2. You can take it on an empty stomach
3. It’s chewable, AND available in liquid form

What Are The Data?
Women with the highest levels of the flavanone (found in oranges) in their diet were 19% less likely to have an ischemic stroke. They followed these women during 14 years of follow-up (P=0.04).
Citrus fruit is the main source of these antioxidants. By the way, the juice of these fruits also showed a similar effect (reported in the April issue of Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association).
Everyone always thinks about Vitamin C in terms of protecting your cardiovascular system, but in this analysis of the Nurses’ Health Study, the vitamin didn’t correlate with total or ischemic stroke.
Bottom Line
Unless you’re a researcher or follow nutrition like March Madness, all this will sound like blah blah blah to you. The bottom line is that you need to take your one-a-day, every day. And that healthy one-a-day?? It’s called a piece of fruit. 
By the way, this particular stroke preventer also happens to be really tasty!! 

Medical News:An Orange a Day Keeps Stroke Away – in Cardiovascular, Prevention from MedPage Today

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