Notice Anything Odd About This Pic?

The picture is upside down.

Crazy right? And now you have to look at it again. And some of you are turning heads or (smarter) your laptops upside down just to see what it looks like “right side up”, LOL.

The thing is, every time we look at anything at all, our brain automatically fills in the blanks and creates an interpretation that we accept as our reality.

It makes assumptions. It plays connect the dots based on the rules of its own internal neural networks, and then it hands you the conclusion in a nice neat neural package.

Flip The Pic

Of course, you can always hit the override button, to literally change your mind, and choose to be open to a different interpretation. But you have to be willing to entertain other viewpoints, honestly ready to flip the pic, and grant that your brain, well, just had it wrong.

The same is true for that person, that idea, that position.

You may “know what you know” about it or them but, like that pic, your brain makes assumptions based its own rules; draws conclusions based on patterns that are often engrained long enough to get buried beneath your conscious mind.

The good news is that you’re not stuck with knee-jerk interpretations.

  • you can always hit the override button
  • choose to turn your head (heart) upside down
  • and change your mind to a more positive and constructive interpretation.

So every now and then, flip the pic.

Question the assumptions that your brain silently assigns to the things you see and hear in your world.


Btw, I took this shot on a crisp early morning from our mooring ball in a quiet little bay off the Queen Charlotte Sound. Not a breath of wind, nor ripple on the water, on a perfect early morning sunrise. This image was so good, I even put my coffee down to snag it.

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