The Benefits of Exercise Nobody Told You About!

It Cuts Down on Those Midnight Trips To The Bathroom 

When you gotta go, you gotta go. And sometimes that’s at 3am. And when that happens, good luck getting back to sleep again. Are you frustrated with that? Are you SO over it? Because if so, regular exercise can help you out. According to the research science, just as few weeks of walking every day will cut that right down.

In fact, after 8 weeks of a walking program, 2/3 of the subjects  in this study stated that sleep was deeper than before exercise, which increased the arousal threshold bladder volume, and therefore they didn’t need to wake up during the night. That’s a 67% improvement!


It Makes You More Creative

Some people workout for their muscles, with visions of rippling abs and bulging biceps. But the muscle that matters most is actually your brain. That’s okay though, this study showed that creativity and even imagination are boosted when you get out and get active. Seriously, just take more brisk walks or other kinds of activities that you enjoy. Do this on a daily basis, and you will get those creative juices flowing.

You’ve wanted to be more creative. You’ve wanted to have more of a spark. Now you know how to help yourself get there.  


You Meet More Puppies!!

Man petting a golden retriever in the parkI didn’t find any data, studies, research, or PhD candidates staking their carriers on the outcome of this hypothesis. So I’m not going to point you to any ponderous research studies, only to the completely unassailable logic that walking or running in the park on a daily basis, with or without your own pup, will 100% make you more likely to run into dogs walking, running, and playing outdoors with their owners. 

I think I could talk about your brain health, or better skin or whatever, but upping the chances that you’ll run into puppies along with way is what’s going to get most of you out there! By the way, stopping along you exercise to get a quick puppy pet is a completely acceptable use of your activity time!  


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