Tag: wine

Rats On Wine: Wine Supplementation? Take Your Vitamin W?

Dietary supplementation with polyphenols from red wine may slow the decline in vascular function associated with age, suggests a new study with rats. Animals fed red wine polyphenols were found to have less dysfunction of the endothelium – the cells lining blood vessels – as well as an improved ageing-related...

Wine is Food Or Drug?

(See Video Below and forward to your friends.) That depends … on whether you live in the US or the Mediterranean region. For us, it’s considered to be a drug; an intoxicant; a dangerous temptation. For them, it’s a food that goes with your meal. Watch the video and...

Red Wine Pill

Paul Rozin is a food psychologist who studies different cultures and the way they interact with their food. In his surveys, he recently asked his groups if they would prefer a pill to get all their nutrients rather than food. Of all the cultures studied, Americans were the most...

Wine and Breast Cancer

Wine is a funny thing. At one time, wine was said to be awful for you. But Italian scientists who were drinking the wine outlived everyone and so they were able to get the last word in … wine’s great for you as long as you don’t overconsume it....

Starbucks Serving Beer?

The starbucks company is going to start serving beer and wine. What will that mean for states like PA, that requires you to go to a separate beer store — where you can only buy beer if you buy it by the case, and a separate wine store??...

Red Wine Pill: FDA takes a closer look

Good for the FDA. They stepped up and smacked down a Georgia-based supplements manufacturer for making unfounded (read, rediculous) drug claims about one of its resveratrol pills. Read the report here. The FDA told the company, Natural Biology, that its Red Wine Resveratrol pills were being marketed as a...

Red Red Wine

People who drink to forget might actually succeed if they just stopped at a couple. In fact, red wine helps to reinforce the neural circuits that control negative emotional memory (Now See Here). Of course, having more than just a couple is a physiological disaster across the board, but...

When you need a little decadence

Wine, chocolate, and cheese are typically viewed as the dietary sins that you absolutely must stay away from if you want to control those growing belly bulges and saddle bags. The saturated fat, the cocoa butter, the empty alcohol calories! If we can agree on anything (the riff goes),...

I’ll Just Have A Glass of Your Mouse Wine, Please

Let’s begin with the conclusion. How do you live forever? Eat small and have a glass of red wine with your meal. Sound familiar? This is exactly what we teach in the Mediterranean path program. Longevity is enhanced by many things, but most notably, most consistently by simple calorie...

Wine and the Liver

Is wine good for you or bad for you? The answer is that it is neighter good for you nor bad for you. If you overdrink, it’s bad for you. If you drink in control, it’s good for you. Wine is famously good for your heart, but can kill...