Red Wine Pill

Paul Rozin is a food psychologist who studies different cultures and the way they interact with their food.

In his surveys, he recently asked his groups if they would prefer a pill to get all their nutrients rather than food. Of all the cultures studied, Americans were the most likely of all to say YES to this question.
Unbelievable. We are a pill culture. And this is part of our Culture of Health that we must must must change.
So get ready, because there is an upcoming test of this pill culture coming in the new “red wine pill”. This pill is making its way through the FDA process, and there are genetically modified versions of yeast-derived versions … that may have little resemblance with a glass of Cabernet any more.
Bottom line:
Chances are that the benefits of red wine come through the interaction of resveritrol with the polyphenols, other bioactives, the sugars, the enzymes, and all the other components of the ONLY product on this earth known to give you the benefits of red wine — it’s call red wine.
We have a red wine pill already. It’s liquid, comes in a bottle, and is corked.
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