Just asking … Who Even Has Time To Meditate?

Our new normal of the world is rapidly returning to its old normal break-neck frantic pace, with the steady stream of demands on you all of the time. If this is your basic pace of living, it must seem SO out of reach when you hear that you should take some quiet time to meditate each day. 

And you respond, “Quiet time? What’s quiet time?

So my question is, if you don’t meditate, why is that? Is it because you don’t have the time? Or maybe you don’t because you don’t see the benefit? 

I am talking more and more now about something called “moving meditation”, which really integrates mental relaxation more into your daily life. Even better, it doesn’t require a carve-out of  30, 45, or 60 minutes of your day either. So it can happen through your day rather than just once in the morning. Honestly, this can be a solution for crazy busy people like us. 

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