Mindfulness Month! Take a Media Fast.

There is no better time than December to practice mindfulness. So all month our theme will be the mindfulness methods that can help make this the most wonderful time of the year.

Intermittant Fasting NotepadFasting refers to the act of voluntarily refusing to partake something. Most often the item withheld is the quality or quantity of food consumed.

Research shows that fasting can be very beneficial for your physical health.

But the same can be true for your mental wellness as well.  We are bombarded by a steady stream of news and advertisements and claims as media of all forms competes for your eyes, click-throughs, and comments.

This kind of chronic stimulation can be a major source of stress, and one that has a very simple remedy: go on a media fastSwitch Off The Media and determine the quality and quantity of media stimulation you wish to be exposed to.

Media Quality: make the media stimulation you choose positive and uplifting, rather than negative and depressing.

Media Quantity: limit your exposure to media and replace it with time with your family, playing games, being in nature.

When you go on your temporary media fast, you may find that you are so much more at peace in your day and don’t want to change your new routine!

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