Teens Sleep Better

Check this out:

Athletic teens sleep better than their couch-potato peers and have fewer problems concentrating at school, a new study finds.

Researchers in Switzerland asked 434 adolescents with an average age of 17 to keep a log of their sleep and daytime habits for one week. … The teen athletes reported waking fewer times during the night, higher energy levels during the day and a greater ability to concentrate than their less-active peers.

But this is not just about teens, it’s about all of us. If you are active, you will have more energy to be active. In a way, you help to create your own reality — you just need to recognize the control you actually do have over this part of your health.

AND, can you imagine how great it would be to sleep better without having to resort to meds?? How about a little non-pharmacological walk, or volleyball, or dancing, or bowling, or … anything you love??

Here’s the entire HHS article:

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