Tap water versus bottled

We always hear about debates over our water. Tap versus bottled … are we leaching plastics from our Nalgene bottled water? … because regulations for bottled water are different from tap water (USDA versus FDA) is one safer than the other?

Now we have another worry.

The popular weed killer, Atrazine, is very commonly used on golf courses and farms. But it just as commonly finds its way into your drinking water.
What is this doing to you and me and our kids?
The science on this is still becoming clear, and it reads like a train wreck of physiological problems that can be derived from atrazine in your water.
The people who make atrazine say that it’s fine, don’t worry, and “there’s no proof that atrazine causes any problems.” This, however, is just an industry group trying to save their product at the expense of any who might get hurt.
When the NYTimes asked independent reviewers to assess the data on this chemical, they were shocked and alarmed at what they found. I’ll let you read about it in more detail below, but the bottom line is this: chemicals that get into our drinking water need to be proven to be safe, not proven to be harmful.
The wrong standard is in place. We seem to apply a wrongheaded approach — innocent until proven guilty — to items that might make us sick and introduce birth defects for our children. Go over this article for yourself, but this is a classic example of an industry group guarding market share at the potential risk of our health.
Where is the FDA?
Understaffed. Underfunded. And happy to take the company’s own data as evidence that they don’t have to do anything. In the end, we lose and nothing will be done until enough people are harmed that they then have the “proof” of danger.

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