It’s not about the burger

Good food IS good health. That includes things like normal hamburger, or other kinds of meats (THIS hamburger, of course, has enough calories to feed Rwanda).

That said, researchers from Germany, Spain and Britain who studied data on 50,000 children across the world found that kids who ate burgers were much more likely to have asthma.

According to this study, a meat-heavy diet itself was NOT what was causing the asthma. It was more likely the fact that, kids who eat a lot of fast food are also kids who do not exercise or eat vegetables.

Those lifestyle factors are key and point to a Mediterranean approach. I know, I know. You’re saying, “What? How did you leap from fast food burgers, over the Atlantic ocean, to land in the Mediterranean approach. It’s not just me, I got it from the authors of this study, “This study adds to an existing body of evidence showing the health benefits of a so-called Mediterranean diet — rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and fish — including reduced risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and depression.”

The bottom line is that no ONE factor is contributing to asthma, diabetes, overweight and the rest. In stead of looking for the single culprit, such as burgers or even fast food consumption, this study rightly looks for patterns of behaviors that lead to awful health.

Burger diet linked to higher childhood asthma risk | Reuters

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