HRT drugs –> breast cancer deaths

Is it worth it? I don’t know. Let’s just run through the logic:

1. IF you take Hormone Replacement Therapy, you boost your chances of getting ovarian and breast cancer. Why would you do that?
2. NOW, we learn that IF you take HRT, the cancer you do get will be more aggressive and more likely to kill you. Why would you do that?
Our pill culture markets these drugs to us as the FIRST solution, but they should be the last, last resort. Start with lifestyle changes, acupuncture actually works well, weight management, blah blah blah. The point is, throwing chemicals into your body dynamic is a bad thing: because you’re whacking your system out of balance with the drug, or because you’re already so sick that you have to take them. Either way, if you have to take your pills, it’s not good.

Here’s what they found:
The scientists analyzed data on more than 12,000 women in the study. They found twice as many taking HRT died from breast cancer compared to women who took a placebo.

Nearly 24 percent of the breast cancer patients who took HRT had tumors that had spread to the lymph notes, compared with 16 percent of women taking placebos.

“All the scary cancers with unfavorable prognoses were also increased,” Chlebowski said, citing increases in aggressive forms of breast cancer, and not just estrogen-fed cancers that are easier to treat.

“And then for the first time we show deaths from breast cancer are significantly increased as well,” he said.

Hormone therapy raises breast cancer deaths: study | Reuters

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