Radio Show Notes1: Top Ten Signs of Good Health

How would you know if you’re healthy? These signs can offer you guidance, and have nothing to do with data you might get from a physician.  

(please share this with someone who needs to know they’re healthy)
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(I’m talking about these in the first 20 minutes of the show today)

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Don’t get me wrong, you need to get data from your physician. But you also need to look at yourself, your behavior, and how you feel. 

Trust yourself. Listen to your body and mind. Develop this skill of listening to your own body. Only then can you own your own health. 

The Top Ten Signs of Good Health 
1.                     Persistent sense of humor.
Happiness pushes your body toward health. Humor is a drug that works. 
2.                     Chronic positive expectations; tendency to frame events in a constructive light.
People who live to be very old, and remain healthy in the process, consistently state that they have always had a positive outlook. In many ways, we do create our own reality.  
3.                     Episodic outbreaks of joyful, happy experiences.
This is a reflection of an internal demeanor. Like #2 above, this not only reflects health, but also helps produce health in your body. It may be something that comes naturally for you, or it may be something that you have to practice, like a dance. 
4.                     Sense of spiritual involvement.
This is not about “religion”, but doesn’t exclude it. It is about an internal sense that you are connected with something outside of yourself; something larger than yourself — whether that is a deity, or nature, or whatever. 
5.                     Tendency to adapt well to changing conditions.
If you can adapt to a life that seems to change at breakneck speed, then the stresses we face will be less likely to “get to you”. If that is the case, then you will not succumb to the chronic illnesses that are generated by chronic stress. 
6.                     Rapid response to and recovery from stress and repeated challenges.
Similar to #5 above, if you can do this you are a person who can take stressful circumstances and let it roll off your back — rather than letting it seep into your heart and mind. THAT is a healthy person. 
7.                     Increased appetite for physical activity.
Doing nothing leads to doing nothing. Moving creates the ability to move. The people who are healthiest are those who are moving to something that “moves them”; to something that they enjoy. Thus, they want to move more, so they can move more, so they want to move more … and so on. 
8.                     Tendency to identify and communicate feelings.
This is such a critical life skill. Without this, a bottled up hurt or misunderstanding, can fester into full-on resentment. This is a sore on the soul that you have to open to the light and air. And you do that by taking the time to understand it, and speak about it to those who love you. 
9.                     Repeated episodes of gratitude and generosity.

The more you give, the more you get. This has nothing to do with your wallet, and everything to do with the fact that we are social animals. When you pet a pet, when you help someone, when you do something that represents kindness for kindness’ sake, you benefit. This doesn’t reflect good health, but supports it. 

10.                  Continuing presence of support network.
Isolation kills. With rare exceptions, loneliness can manifest itself as an internalized stressor. When surrounded by friends and family, you will be more likely to head off these stresses and live a healthy life.   

 For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website.

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