Headline Fail: High Fiber Diets and Death: Reuters

Here’s what we read:  
People who eat a lot of fiber every day might be less likely to die prematurely from a range of illnesses — including heart disease, cancer, and infection — a new study suggests.”

The benefits of fiber in promoting weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and protecting against heart disease have been well established by previous studies. However, the finding that fiber may also prevent other common killers is a new and interesting one, researchers say.

“The results from this study suggest that fiber may have broader health benefits than what has been found before,” Dr. Frank Hu, who studies nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Cambridge, Massachusetts, “the bottom line is that fiber should be a staple in our diet, and we should strive to eat as much fiber as possible.”


Here’s why this is a FAIL. 
This article says that, if you just eat fiber, you will be less likely to die of any cause. But the consumption of fiber BY ITSELF has never been tested! Take beans, for example, which have lots of fiber in them. Beans are also packed with amazing antioxidants — is it the fiber that is keeping you alive, or is it the antioxidants … or the unique combination of the fiber with the antioxidants with the vitamins they contain with the enzymes and cofactors and on and on. 

This is like saying: sport socks are associated with longer lives. Yes, those who use sport socks are more likely to be fit and so are more likely to live longer … but it’s not just about the sport socks. And if you ran out and purchased a 12-pack of sporty ankle socks, it wouldn’t do you any good unless you had all the other parts of fitness (like getting out there and moving).   

Our culture of health is in search of the magic molecule (fiber?, omega 3s?, resveratrols?) that will solve our problems. Even at the level of this Harvard-led research, the researchers talk about how vitally important one single element of food is. But a better way to think about things is in terms of the entire package that constitutes food: like beans, greens, and grains. 

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