Fiber News: Part of the Problem?

This article (link is below) sounds like ho hum normal news regarding Fiber. Honestly, would you even read this article?

"Fiber keeps you healthier longer," yaddie yaddah, heard that already grand pa, and yes I do know that I need to eat fiber cause you've told me since 1974.

And when I read this it seems so misleading to me. Fiber? Is it this one magic element that keeps your heart healthier longer? Thats what the article said.

But where do you get your fiber from? Fruits and veggies, that's where. If this research had concluded that eating normal foods makes you healthier, we would have yawned just the same, but at least it would be more true to what is actually going on.

Here's why the "fiber approach" is part of our problems.

When you focus on micromanaging molecules, it coaches people to eat junk, just because the food manufacturer ground up a multi-vitamin into his pop tarts or sugar "vitamin water" or breakfast cereal.

And people eat it because our science says that's what we need (fiber, not just fruit; omega 3s, not just fish; vitamins, not just veggies; and on and on).

This is exactly how our culture undermines our best efforts to be healthy — and we don't even know it's happening.

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