2 more HUGE reasons to give up sodas

Via @rodalenews
Need another reason to put down that bottle of soda? We’ll give you two. A pair of studies published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests America’s beloved fizzy drinks could be doing a real number on women’s health.

In the first study, led by Harvard School of Public Health, researchers analyzed 73,000 postmenopausal women and found that regardless of the type of soda they drank (cola, non-cola, caffeinated or caffeine free, regular or diet), a woman’s risk of hip fracture increased 14 percent for each additional soda she drank per day.

Statistics pulled from that same study found that the more sodas a woman drinks per week, the more her BMI climbs. (Higher BMI levels are considered a risk factor for breast cancer, among other conditions.)

While hip fractures are painful enough, researchers leading another study suggesting soda could be a pain trigger in women. Another recent soda study investigating soda’s impact on women’s health found a correlation between women consuming regular, sugary soda and the chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

For each sugar-laden soda consumed, women experienced a 63 percent increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis compared to women who nixed soda. The analysis came from 20 years of data following nearly 200,000 women.


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