More Crazy Wacked Out 100% Legit Things That Exercise Does For You.

All week, we’re giving you the effects that exercise has on your body — not the normal stuff you’re used to, but some truly crazy things you never saw coming! 

Exercise Can Reverse Shrinkage Effects of Alcohol on Your Brain

First, we have to say that zero people should be drinking so much alcohol that they’re killing brain cells. By the way, the dorm room yammer about how drinking alcohol kills brain cells has at least some truth to it. A pattern of moderate to heavy drinking can result in “shrinkage” of your gray and white brain matter. So add that to the hundred or so reasons that drinking that much alcohol is bad for. But this research shows that those who exercise are less likely to suffer the brain shrinkage that can occur with the over-consumption of alcohol. Why? It’s not at all clear why exercise has a protective effect on your brain, but it seems to be true in any case. 

Of course, this is just a weird effect of exercise on your brain. And if you hadn’t been flogging your neurons with too many Mexican margarita mania night celebrations, just think about how more more exercise could do for your brain!   

It Helps Stiff-Arm Depression 

When you exercise your physical body, you’re also exercising your emotional self. They are linked. Even brief bouts of activity can cause your brain to release mood-enhancing endorphins, increase blood flow throughout your body, and all this is associated with reduced anxiety and depression

When you get out and move, the research shows that you’ll experience less negativity, tension, anger, and even fatigue. So get active for your physical health, but the gift you never saw coming will be the impact it has on your mental health as well.

That’s definitely something to be happy about. 

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