Tag: children

Ask Will: Dissing Dairy

Dear Will, Our son and daughter-in-law have informed us that based upon advice of co-workers in the medical profession, they will give our grandson almond milk rather than regular milk once he’s off formula.  I may be old school, but I’ve never heard of such a thing unless a child...

How To Get Kids To Eat Better: The Magic Solution

People try all kinds of crazy things to be healthy — both for them and their families. But here’s a radical solution: eat with the people you love in your life. Take your time. Talk. Need data? Schoolchildren whose families ate dinner together every night ate 1.6 more servings of fruits and...

What Happens To Your Kids When They Eat Hot Dogs?

I love hot dogs. Throw some onions on, some mustard, and maybe a little chili.  That’s why it hurts, huuuuurts I say, to read what that little projectile of yumminess is doing to us and our kids. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way (check out...

Teenagers Without Brains

Get this … a new study showed that more and more teenagers don’t think heavy cigarette smoking is a high-risk activity.  So. Sucking in benzene?? … and tar?? … and formaldehyde?? is not seen as a high risk activity?? Really?? I know, I know … their brains have not...

Calories on menus don’t affect kids’ food choices | Reuters

Requiring fast-food restaurants in New York City to post calorie counts on menus did little to cut the number of calories children and teens consumed, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday. They found that children and adolescents noticed the calories posted on the menu but the calorie counts made little...

Do video games fuel mental health problems? | Reuters

(Reuters Health) – There might be trouble brewing behind the glassy eyes of kids who spend too much time and energy on video games, according to a controversial new study. In the 2-year study of more than 3,000 school children in Singapore, researchers found nearly one in ten were...

Rent-a-Mom — Breast Milk Sharing Over the Internet.

I’ve contacted the the FDA-approved milk-banks as well as the largest breast milk sharing sites to be on my radio program to talk about the pros and cons. Would love to get your thoughts now, and this Saturday!!(please share this with moms, or someone who knows a mom … or...

VIDEO: Frosted Chocolate Covered Sugar Bomb Cereals

This video from CNN reports on the new research on the sugary cereals that contribute to overweight, obesity, and early-onset diabetes in kids. (please share this with someone who eats Sugar Smacks, Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, and the like)  Here’s what they found… and this is just crazy, I know, but...

Challenge the Dogma: Should kids eat breakfast?

Here’s what we’re told about our kids. Skipping breakfast could lead them to overeat at later meals, and eventually pack on extra pounds.  (please forward this to a parent of school-aged kids)  Does this even make sense?It sounds like someone’s selling the “spending to save” idea, but for kids!! In...