Tag: heart health

Good News/Bad News: Heart Disease Deaths WAY down

When it comes to your heart, we’re really good at treatment … but have a long way to go at prevention.  (please share this with anyone with a family history of heart disease) We have the best mechanics on Earth, who can unclog your pipes, tune up your valves,...

What’s good for the heart is also good for your BRAIN!!

“In addition to being good for the heart, high levels of HDL … the ‘good’ cholesterol … may protect against Alzheimer’s disease, U.S. researchers said on Monday. (please share this with someone who happens to have both a heart AND a brain!!)  They found people over 65 who had the...

Mixing THESE Pills Can Be Bad For Your Heart

 All these pills we take. But what happens inside your body when they mix?? What happens when these chemicals combine to form unexpected effects?  (Please share this article with your friends.) What kind of pills should I be worried about?  The popular blood-thinning drug, warfarin, is taken by heart patients. But...

WHAT? Low fat diets could increase heart disease?

Could it be true? Has all our coaching to eat low fat foods (in order to save our hearts) actually put us at a greater risk?! Chair of the Harvard School of Public Health’s nutrition department Dr. Walter Willett is emphatic: “If anything, the literature shows a slight advantage of the...

The Thanksgiving Miracle Molecule

Need a rule to follow?  Eat orange foods, live a long life. WHY, you ask?  According to this massive 14-year study researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), having more  of the carotenoid alpha-carotene may reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and all...

Need Rehab for a Bypass? Have a drink.

According to this study, people who had heart bypass surgery and consumed about two drinks a day afterward had fewer subsequent cardiovascular procedures than those who abstained. They topped the tea-totalers in health!! In fact, light alcohol consumption was associated with a 25% reduction in additional heart procedures, heart attacks...

To Stent Or Not To Stent

Got a blocked artery? Oops. Now what? You may have heard about docs using stents to open up the pipes, but there are two study-of-studies that don’t look good for this procedure. SYNTAX Study (New England Journal of Medicine) 1,800 patients. The arteries feeding blood to their heart muscle...

Got Statins? May Want To Give Them Back!

A study just pubbed in the Archives of Internal Medicine deals yet another blow to the blanket use of statins, and the efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to make them a public utility. Hot water, Cold Water, Electricity, Statin Pills. Here is the study, in case you need help...

EVOO Amps Up Good Cholesterol

Okay, I have to apologize for quoting the ever-perky Rachael Ray (EVOO!! :), happy face, smiley face with an i with a heart over it ;), ooh, another perky icon!) Enough of that. The bottom line for you and me is that we need this oil in our lives,...

NUTS! How To Raise Good Cholesterol

Nuts rule. I could eat them on a boat, I could eat them with a goat, I could eat them in the rain, I could eat them on a train. Just make sure you get them only very lightly salted, and without any kind of crazy sugar or dye...

Mayo … To RAISE Your Good Cholesterol

This is from the Mayo Clinic — the 5 best foods to raise your good cholesterol. The old idea that you should lower all cholesterol, at all costs, was wrong and potentially harmful. Now we know that this HDL cholesterol actually prevents heart disease, and should be raised as...