Year: 2024

Mission Impossible Asparagus

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make this crazy good side dish for you and your family. When you do, you’ll discover how easy it is to throw together.   But then, part two of your stealthy mission will be to do the impossible and...

A Spiced Plum Chutney For Every Every Thing

No, I get it. Plums are amazing, but there are only so many one person can eat! But this recipe for spiced plums will make you weep. You’re going to want this on your savory meats, like pork or lamb, as the “J” to your “PB&”, and on your...

A Very Cozy Coffee

Coffee itself is very healthy for us, but sometimes you just want that cozy made-for-cable-knit-sweater-on-the-couch kinda coffee. There are many kinds of “cozy coffee”, but too often they have artificial ingredients that subtract from the health benefits of the coffee!  So we wanted to provide this cozy coffee recipe...

Ikigai: Finding Your Why, and WHY That’s Important

This principle of mindfulness may be unconventional, I know … but hear me out. And please let me know your own take on this. If you’re in the air at 30,000 feet and there’s “a sudden loss of cabin pressure”, those little breathing cups drop down. You’re instructed to...

Stuffed Mushrooms

Need a delicious and easy to prepare appetizer? These stuffed mushrooms are a sure hit! You’ll Need 6 Tablespoons butter 2 pounds medium fresh mushrooms, stems removed (save stems) 1 (8 ounce) package Neufchatel cheese 1 (4 ounce) package goat cheese crumbles 2 Tablespoons finely chopped onion 1/2 cup...

Speak To Each Other Like Carpenters Make Their Cuts

“Measure twice, cut once” is an old carpentry saying, reminding us of the importance of not messing things up by acting before being quite sure of your action. This wisdom also applies to mental well-being. Just like a craftsman takes the time needed to avoid screwups, in our daily...

Chair Yoga! Try These Poses Yourself.

In the craziness of the typical daily workday, it’s easy to forget the importance of taking short breaks to rejuvenate our minds and bodies too. One fantastic way to do this without leaving your desk is by practicing chair yoga stretches, which allows you to grab a little desk...

The Recipe For Living Forever?

To date, the longest-lived family on Earth lives in Sardinia, and eats this traditional minestrone soup for lunch every .. single .. day. Crazy right? The Melis family holds the Guinness World Record title for the highest combined age for nine living siblings: their collective age is 861 years....

Shrimp with Pasta, Tomatoes and Basil

Play with the art of cooking. You can substitute this Mediterranean flavored dish in many different ways. You’ll Need ½ cup olive oil 1 pound shrimp medium uncooked peeled and vein removed 4 large tomatoes seeded and coarsely chopped ½ cup fresh basil, chopped 1/3 cup black olives, sliced...

Spring Cleaning

How you think matters. And how you frame your mindset totally affects your physical health. I’ll make the point with a sturdy example of some solid boring drudgery: “Spring Cleaning”. The key to turning this activity from a chore into something more is making a decision. On purpose, decide...