Your Gut Health: Sugar

Follow along with me on the logic here.

Woman Suffering Stomach Ache After Eating Too Much CupcakeFirst, and you may not have know this, but the fungus and bacteria in your gut exist in a dynamic equilibrium. When the population of one grows large, the other is diminished.

Next, add to this the fact that diets high in sugar content can increase the population of the fungus Candida (theĀ predominant fungal species of the gut), which can harm the population of the helpful bacteria.

This may be another reason why that extra sugar in your drinks and foods and everything else is associated with poor gut health.

By the way, if you’re thinking that you can keep your sweet tooth intact by moving to artificial sweeteners, there’s some concerns with this approach as well. Specifically, Maltodextrin and polysorbate-80 induced low-grade inflammation, obesity, and dysglycemia and promoted robust colitis in experimental animals [read this when you’re really out of things to do].

The most conservative solution to protect the healthy gut bacteria that are protecting you is to reduce the overall sugar content in your diet by eating real foods, and doing that in control.

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