Frigid Fitness Week. Think Different.

“Winter exercise” sounds awful.

It’s just really bad branding because the first thing most people think about is how grindingly terrible it would be … especially compared to couch + fuzzy socks + comfy quilt + literally-anything-else-in-the-world.

That’s why it’s bad branding, because the first thought it conjures is awful. We have it in our heads that way and that’s how everyone in our culture thinks about it as well.

But it’s time for us to change the culture. Change the behavioral norms. Change winter activity from something that is too much of a PITA to do, into something that’s we love to do.

That starts with us, making a decision to think about it differently. Getting outside to walk or play or run or move about is brisk and refreshing (I hear your snort, but that’s just the sound of our cultural norms coming out of your nose 🙂 ). Also, when you get back inside from your outdoor activity you actually feel GREAT.

Again … we know this is all true when we hear it, but we normally resist getting out there and doing it. That is because we’re coached by this culture to view winter activities as too much trouble. What we’re going to do this week is turn that around.

Make a decision. Don’t do what is programmed in, do what is right. Find something you enjoy doing outside, and get out there this winter (of course, layer up, be safe, and don’t be dangerous). When we do this, we are starting the process of improving the cultural norms — and our own health!! — in a more positive direction.

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