Resolution Week Reverse Psychology.

Every year we try to stick with our NY resolutions, and 80% of us fail by Valentines Day. This year we flip the script.

Over the next week, I’ll give you the Top Ten Tips to totally mess up your diet. If 80% of us try to do this, and FAIL, we’ll finally win!!

(HINT: if you want to skip the whole “reverse psychology” approach, just see what the bullets tell you to do, and do the opposite.)


7. Pursue platter portions. Serve meals on the largest plate you own.  Turn over a garbage can lid if you have to, and make sure to completely fill the space with whatever you can ladle onto it.  Remember this equation: more diet food = more diet = more weight loss.  Do the math. 

8. Bite the big one. Take huge bites.  If you feel that you may have to unhinge your jaws like an anaconda, you’re doing it right.  Squirrel-packing your cheek pockets will ensure that you not only lose more weight, but that you lose it in time to fit into your fantasy bathing suit by June.  

Good luck, and best wishes on a miserable failure to adhere to these tips.  

Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!! 

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