Exercise on the Brain

Do it. Find something. Something that you can love that makes you move, and do that.

Being active does a lot of things for your heart, and for your circulatory system. In essence, it keeps the pipes clean. Here is a great summary from Harvard if you want to read more.

Your brain is a glucose pig:
Your white and gray matter both are absolute gluttons for the energy in your body. Despite weighing in at only 2 % of the body’s mass, it mows through 60 % of the energy coursing through our bloodstreams — that’s about 450 calories each day.

If the energy pipelines (your arteries) are clogged, crudded or even narrowed, your little energy pig will slowly choke. Little by little you will lose function.

One of the very best ways to keep the energy pipeline open is to be active every day. Get outside. Play. Run. Walk. Dance. Garden. Bike. Hike. …. Just do something, and do it consistently.

We’ll talk about foods later, but let’s just start with the obvious. If you want to be able to think better, be active at something you enjoy every day.

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