
We have more hope for our future than we have had in a long, long time.

In my field (nutrition, health), there is reason for optimism. Despite our obesity epidemic, our Culture of Health is finally beginning to turn around.

The strength of the Organic Foods market is fantastic because it reflects how consumers are learning to avoid processed food products. They are becoming skeptical of synthetics, additives, and preservatives. This is a wonderful sign for us.

The new consumer trend is to eat locally. Fabulous!! This means that we will be supporting local farmers, and that we will see more locally produced produce in our standard grocery stores. And, for our good health, it means that we’ll be eating food that did not have to be spritzed with chemicals in order to ship it half way around the world to get to you.

Another terrific sign is that we are beginning to remember some of the things that we, as a culture, have forgotten. There is health in the hearth. We are eating out less, and spending more of our money on making basic foods in our own kitchens.

Our “Culture of Health” is still quite poor and, yes, we have a long way to go. But it is now showing signs of turning around. As this happens, we will see improvements in markers (obesity / diabetes rates, heart disease incidence, etc). There is great reason to be hopeful.

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