Boring News

Yawn. Ho-hum. Here it is again. Another study to confirm that the Mediterranean diet basically rules.

Now the Archives of Internal Medicine weighs in to show that the Mediterranean diet “is the only dietary pattern associated with a lower risk for heart disease.”

Faux foods, on the other hand, (foods with synthetics, trans-fatty acids, and additive sugars were associated with detrimental effects on heart health.

The review supports the Mediterranean dietary pattern, which is rich in cereals, wine, fruits, nuts, legumes and whole grains, fish and olive oil, and low in meat and faux foods.

It’s really good for what ails you … linked to longer life, less heart disease, and protection against some cancers. The diet’s main nutritional components include beta-carotene, vitamin C, tocopherols, polyphenols, and essential minerals.

Blah blah blah … but the bottom line is that when you eat real food, you get those nutrients. When you eat them in control, you don’t eat so much that you make them become bad for you.

Source: Archives of Internal Medicine 13 April 2009, Volume 169, Number 7, Pages 659-669

“A Systematic Review of the Evidence Supporting a Causal Link Between Dietary Factors and Coronary Heart Disease”

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