No More Bull From Beef Industry

The Beef industry is overusing antibiotics, because that beefs up the beef. They get LARGER cattle by injecting them with too much antibiotics.

The Union of Concerned Scientists estimated that 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are fed to healthy animals to promote weight gain.

It’s not about keeping them healthier, it’s about getting them as artificially large as possible. This process, too, can cause (as anyone can tell you) the development of resistant strains of bacteria.

The Livestock Groups Respond

As you might guess, they don’t want anything to do with these efforts to clamp down on their blanket use of antibiotics. They say, “there is no scientific evidence that their use of antibiotics cause a problem.” Dave Warner, a spokesman for the industry said this: “We’ve said that there needs to be some science before you go banning antibiotics that are important to food-animal production.”

But there is also no evidence — not one single clinical trial — showing that that the things in my basement, if mixed up in some random way, cause any health problems whatsoever. Should we have science before we market those to millions of Americans?

Maybe we should just adopt the common sense rule that we do need science, but to prove that new food inventions are guilty until proven innocent, instead of the other way around.

FDA to recommend new limits on livestock drugs | Reuters

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