
I kinda like it when we have leftovers because it requires a bit of creativity!

Last evening, we had leftover pork chops, the remains of the cous cous, the tail end of a bottle of white wine, and half of an onion. So I threw some olive oil in a pan, added onions to caramelize, but before they were close to being done, the pork (now thinly sliced, went into the pan.

I seared it to give them a good solid crisp. But!! What this also does is to create the oniony porky bits that are stuck to the bottom of the skillet.

Those, my friend, you can pull up with white wine! I poured in enough wine, so that when it cooked down a tad I would still have some of this sauce in there.

And, speaking of sauce … Remember that papaya chili sauce we scored from Jenny on Union Island? I seasoned with a splash of that, S&P, and ground ginger.

In goes the cous cous, stir it up, and that was a completely righteous dinner!

Oh, as a side, I just hacked up a plantain, fried it in olive oil, and made what everyone described as "candy". That would be the healthier candy on Earth.

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