‘Twinkie Diet’: A Physician’s Take on What Really Happens

The Twinkie Diet is much like the Twinkie itself … great marketing, but there is not a great deal of substance inside.

I interviewed Dr Haub regarding his “Twinkie Diet” on my radio program, and he is a very likable guy who is doing something novel to make a point: Junk food isn’t “fattening”, having too many calories is fattening. (interview here: http://rec­ordings.ta­lkshoe.com­/TC-139/TS­-415161.mp­3)

Point well taken. But I was disappointed when he told me that he randomly added in salads, carrots, and other healthy foods. So this really isn’t “The Twinkie Diet” at all, but the "Sometimes­-Junk-Food­-Sometimes­-Healthy-F­ood Diet”. So what do his results mean now? No a whole lot any more.

I wish he had been more rigorous and stuck to his protocol throughout the experiment. ONLY eat garbage for the duration, much like what happened “SuperSize Me”. Maybe someone could follow up with a scientifically cleaner version of this experiment: I won’t be doing it, though, because the thought of it makes me want to wretch.

Look, there’s lots of ways to lose weight. Don’t throw up in the toilet, that’s unhealthy. Don’t starve, eat junk food, cut off your head, or swallow tapeworm eggs. Just eat real food, in moderation. That way, you can lose weight without harming yourself in the process.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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