Show Notes: Do We Eat Too Much Meat?

I am responding to an article (link below), written by Neil Barnard, who is the founder and President of the Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine. 

This is the organization that tried to use Dr Robert Atkins’ death as an opportunity to push their agenda regarding the consumption of meat. They put out a press release calling him obese at the time of his death (He took on fluid after his tragic fall on the ice outside of his home. PCRM knew that. They were just being opportunistic, and I have zero respect for that.). 

In any case, this article written by Dr Barnard doesn’t really say much, although it asks a provocative question? “Do we eat too much meat?”

The implication is that, if we are eating too much meat, we need to stop. Dr Barnard, for example, advocates eating a Vegan diet with NO meat or even eggs. Zero. If we are eating too much meat, we need to stop!

But couldn’t we re-phrase his question, though? 
Couldn’t we just as easily ask, “Are we eating too much food?” If we are eating too much food, the right solution is NOT to give up all food — why, that would be crazy, right? The logical answer would be to pull back and have it, but just have less. 

Regarding meat, are we eating too much? 
Probably. But we’re also eating too many potatoes and corn dogs and deep fried Oreos. If we ate less meat, we would be healthier, and then meat would not be the Dietary Darth Vader that Barnard and the Physicians Committee for “Responsible” Medicine make it out to be. 

A Curious Omission
In fact, fish happens to be just as much of a meat as a cow or pig or sheep. And the consumption of fish is associated with improved heart health. However, that distinction is not found anywhere with Dr Barnard because it doesn’t conform to the Vegan talking points. Nor will you hear him say anything about high egg consumption in Japan (of the heart healthiest of countries!), because it strays from the narrative. 

Look. The truth is always in the middle. If you want to eat meat, do it, but lean on fish and chicken. Stay away from hormone-laced animal products, and for those with preservatives in them (nitrates in preserved meats like bologna, salami, etc.), you should have them sparingly. If you want to be vegan, do that … just don’t be militant about it. 

Neal Barnard, M.D.: Do We Eat Too Much Meat?

For more information: Click here to visit Will Clower’s website.

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