Is Sarah Palin A “Fruit Loop”?: VIDEO

British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver called Sarah Palin a “Froot Loop” for criticizing the Obama administration’s healthy eating initiatives, and said getting healthy foods to kids is a civil rights issue.
The U.S. is in a “really dark moment” when it comes to children’s health and needs to make it a priority, said Oliver, who tried to transform the diets of a West Virginia town with his 2010 ABC show “Jamie’s Food Revolution” and is filming a new version in Los Angeles.
I’ve said this before … you won’t know my political views, but I can say that, on this issue, Sarah Palin is NOT a fruit loop. I don’t know what kind of breakfast cereal she actually is … perhaps Lucky Charms for the Tea Party, or Sugar Smacks for the guys, or Corn Flakes for the Iowans who don’t happen to like her. 
Oliver’s complaint suggests that Mrs Palin is nutty, but I don’t believe she’s crazy at all. Rather, she is just being, plain old political. Not as sexy as saying she’s a right wing nut job, but it’s closer to the truth. 
Here’s why I say that. 
She makes the argument that the gov and the First Lady of the US should not stand up to be role models, or initiate programs, to benefit our children, whatever the cause. But the First Lady Laura Bush initiated a slew of programs, endowments and, yes, government, government, government grants to incentivize us to encourage our children to read more. Who in this world thinks THAT is a bad thing? Mrs Palin seems just fine with that “government intrusion”.
Moreover, Mrs Bush did exactly what Mrs Obama is doing now, without anyone blubbering about undo gov intrusion. For example, where was Sarah Palin when Mrs Bush founded the Action For Healthy Kids organization, whose mission it is to influence our PUBLIC SCHOOLS so that we can begin to reverse childhood obesity? Can you imagine the outcry from the barking right if Michelle Obama had done the exact same thing? 
Look. Being a role model is a good thing, whether you are a Priest, a Teacher, a Parent, or the First Lady of the US. It’s a good thing! And, if you look at the historical comparisons of the last two First Ladies, it is clear that the criticisms of Mrs Obama are NOT be about what happened … they are all about tearing down this person and her initiatives because (this time) the attempts to help American children are coming from someone who has a ‘D’ following their name, rather than an ‘R’. 
Thus, the data show that Sarah Palin is not a Fruit Loop at all. She’s someone who is arguing against the health of our children because it doesn’t suit her politics. She is better than that and it is disheartening to see her slide into such moral mediocrity.  
Will Clower

Will Clower Audicles Will Clower Recipes

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