Spring Cleaning

Happy woman dancing in kitchen while cleaning

How you think matters. And how you frame your mindset totally affects your physical health. I’ll make the point with a sturdy example of some solid boring drudgery: “Spring Cleaning”.

The key to turning this activity from a chore into something more is making a decision. On purpose, decide to adopt an attitude that enhances your mental wellbeing.

Start by reminding yourself that a clean and organized environment helps promote mental clarity, and therefore reduces stress in the process.

Also, the kinetic act of cleaning itself can be meditative, as you’re being physical and focusing on something besides the ordinary cares of the day.

Finally, think about spring cleaning like letting go of the past, getting a clean slate, and making new space for new experiences.

Reframe it in this way, and spring cleaning isn’t just tidying up anymore. It’s taking a significant step towards enhancing your mental well-being. Because once you have your fresh, clean space around you, it can bring clarity to your thoughts, and ease to your mind.

Sneakily, this basically slips in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy technique of “cognitive reframing” to internally reset expectations and therefore your mental and emotional outcomes.

Plus, you got your kitchen cleaned in the process — talk about two birds!


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