Mythconceptions … About That Breakfast

wooden cubes w the words fact and myth written on themBreakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?

We have all heard the standard nutritional advice that breakfast jumpstarts metabolism, increases concentration, helps with weight loss, and boosts energy through the day.

But other science on intermittent fasting shows that minimizing or even skipping breakfast altogether could benefit you just as much as eating it!

Well that’s confusing. So given that the science has gone both ways on the matter, what should you do? For example, what if you’re just not hungry in the morning?

Hand behind ear to show listeningThe key regarding breakfast

Learn to listen to your own body and its needs. The very word “breakfast” means to break your fast after sleeping through the night. Some feel the need to break their fast at eight in the morning and others may be able break their fast at noon.

Once you hear your body’s own cues, instead of forcing yourself to eat that early meal because someone said you should, you start to become aware of the rhythms of your physiology. You begin to find the pattern that is right for you.

So, to answer the question, “is breakfast the most important meal of the day?” the answer is yes for some, and absolutely not, for others. And as much as people try to shoehorn a one-size-fits-all solution for every one of us, this just isn’t realistic. The better answer is to start listening to your body more and truly explore what the feeling of hunger really is.

Once you understand this, you’ll know exactly what makes the most sense for you: a big breakfast, a small one, or none at all. 


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