Tag: snacks

The Dietary Equivalent of “Spending To Save”

Here’s the question posed in this recent article in The USA TODAY: “Is oversnacking becoming the norm in our nation?”I don’t even consider this a real question. It’s rhetorical, because it’s obvious that we are snacking all the time. And while our chronic consumption takes us throughout any given day, people...

Should Our Kids Snack

What should we do (see video below)? Childhood obesity and overweight and diabetes are exploding. The last thing on the planet we should do is apply our newest fad approach of having them eat 6 times per day. In fact, the increase in chronic consumption correlates directly with our...

Chips Ahoy

A new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition gives us one more reason to argue against the consumption of snack foods such as potato chips. Why? It’s not about your fat grams or even your tendency to overeat when you nosh on salty foods from a sack....

This is not a study. It’s just an advertisement, dressed up as a report that you should take seriously. This is a perfect example of our culture of (ill)health in action. The source of our confusion is often conflicting information, coming from “authorities” whose agenda has more to do...