Tag: milk

Coffee Is Super Healthy, Unless You Mess It Up In One of These Three Ways

From a health perspective, coffee has turned a corner and is increasingly recognized as a healthful drink. In addition to being an antioxidant, it’s also linked to a decreased risk for Parkinson’s disease, protecting against type 2 diabetes, improving heart health, and lowering rates of depression in women. Despite...

Ask Will: Dissing Dairy

Dear Will, Our son and daughter-in-law have informed us that based upon advice of co-workers in the medical profession, they will give our grandson almond milk rather than regular milk once he’s off formula.  I may be old school, but I’ve never heard of such a thing unless a child...

China, Milk, and Melamine

Chinese products have gotten a bad reputation. It seems like every time you turn around there is some new issue about products that are sourced from China: everything from our toys, to our milk, to our baby food. Americans fuss and fume over the possibility that some independent agency...

Milk and Melamine

The U.S. FDA is blocking the import of all milk products from China. Not just milk, but “milk-derived ingredients and finished food products containing milk from China due to the presence of melamine and/or melamine analogs”. In September 2008, several companies were implicated in a scandal involving milk and...

What is in Your Milk?

Do NOT read this report and expect to ferret out what the they’re talking about. Figure this out: Lower input non-organic and organically produced milk has been found to contain significantly higher levels of beneficial fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants compared to higher chemical use sources, a new UK...