Tag: halloween

Ick Or Treat! Candy Corn: Why to avoid this.

It says, “Made with REAL HONEY”, so it must be good for you. I’m presenting Week 1 of our Not One Ounce Holiday Program today at noon and 3pm, and we’re talking about the best candies to choose for Halloween. Spoiler Alert! (it’s not the candy corn)To make the point...

Hyperactive kids and the “Halloween Effect”: What’s really the cause?

Conventional Wisdom This article was written with Dr. Raquel Keledjian (who is awesome!). With Halloween soon approaching, parents brace for the yearly “Halloween Effect. This is the common belief that the sugary sweets and chocolates of Halloween cause children to bounce off the walls with hyperactivity.  To compensate, parents often substitute...

Halloween Horrors For Health

You are not going to believe this article … it’s weird and gross and fascinating all at the same time. I blather on about it here on my iTunes podcast, but medical science is basically looking at various aspects of Halloween disgusting things … maggots, vampire bats, parasites, leeches...

McDonalds Closes

McDonalds is closing in Iceland. From a business standpoint, it’s a bummer. From a personal and health standpoint, it’s like RJ Reynolds having to scale back operations and not produce as many cigarettes. Here’s my podcast on it. Of course, no one is going to be getting “Second Hand...

Halloween Help

Woooooooooo. It’s Halloween, but the only truly scary thing is the mountains of candy that Americans consume. I’ve got some tips here on my PodCast here. Don’t be afraid to do what is RIGHT for your weight and health. This may mean going against some of your basic instincts...

I’ve heard it … you’ve heard it. “Don’t pass out candy. It’s bad for the kids!!” Then you hear the response: “But they won’t eat it. Kids’ will HATE the pencils, or toys, or whatever … just give them the Jolly Ranchers!!” This conversation happens every year at this...

The Holiday Gauntlet: From November To New Years

If you have kids, you can expect a pillowcase full of candy to come into your living room and spill across your dining room table. Even if you don’t have kids, you typically buy too much candy for the goblins and princesses passing by, and will have enough Twizzlers...