New Site Is Up — Here’s the Dash

We are so excited to announce that our new site is up, it’s beautiful, and I’m so grateful for our talented team for all the care and work they put into this (thanks everyone!!). The preliminary reviews are all positive, which is so exciting.


The user dashboard is clean looking and still completely intuitive to navigate.

The incentive management system is baked in, and customized per client.

Announcements are right up front, programs easy to reach, weekly health articles, monthly newsletter, nurse-assigned activities, and even access to all benefits from the same location.

It’s delivered on computers as well as on our MedWell app in IOS and Android.


Our new challenge platform delivers challenges in 4 flavors:

activity, nutrition, weight management, and mindfulness. We can pull in any data for activity programs, or biometric data as well (as long as the company publishes an API).

Team formation is custom to the client, and can be created for anything found in the eligibility file: by site location, by company position, by division, etc.

We’ve also made the outcomes data on participation and engagement available in real time.


In the new biometrics platform, we’ve made it easy for participants by providing layers of resources for them:

detailed self-care guides for each biometric (like meal plans, shopping guides, foods that can help, and medications that can hurt), easy access to their trend over time for each biometric, and also so they can reach their health coach at any time;

and I personally love love the REAL HEART AGE calculator, which is based on 50 years of research on the determinants of heart health. This shows them how their chronological age compares to their REAL heart age.



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